Our Staff
Please see below a list of all the class teachers and the support staff who work alongside.
Senior Leadership Team
Mrs Amanda Pritchard - Head Teacher
Mr Richard Sloper - Deputy Head Teacher
Mrs Vicky Milne - Assistant Head Teacher
Mrs Beverly Forrester – Inclusion and Pupil Support Lead (SENDCo)
Miss Sonya Keefe - Years 5&6 Phase Lead
Mrs Elaine Davies, Early Years Lead
Academy Business Manager
Mrs Jacqui Appleby
CLASSES 2024 - 2025
Reception: Mrs Davies and Mrs Bounds
Year 1: Mrs Brennan and Miss Davies
Year 2: Ms Pugh / Ms Milne and Mr Patterson
Year 3: Miss Abbott and Ms Farndon
Year 4: Mr Sloper / Mrs Lougher and Miss Pagett
Year 5: Mr Banks and Miss Keefe
Year 6: Mrs Yates and Mr Hartnell
PPA Cover
Mr Bicknell and Shine Sports Coaching
Office Staff
Mrs Joanne Power
Mrs Naomi Smith
Mrs Kirstie Dayus
Mrs Zoe Clark
Mrs Carol Coleman
Higher Level Teaching Assistant
Mr Bicknell
Nurture lead and Therapeutic play practitioner
Mrs Toumazou
Teaching Assistants
Mrs Willmott
Mrs Poole
Mrs Storozhuk
Mrs Neville
Mrs Bridgewater
Mrs Pamunuwa
Mrs Ilott
Mrs Burden
Mrs Huynh
Mrs Marshall
Mrs Ramsay
Mrs Marsh
Mrs Tilston
Mrs Gallagher
Ms Bunce
Ms Lloyd
Mrs Whatley
Miss Cox
Lunch Time Staff
Mrs Coleman
Mrs Burden
Miss Jackson
Mrs Marshall
Mrs Ilott
Mrs Neville
Mrs Bridgewater
Mrs Lukins
Mrs Versoni
Ms Brown
Mrs Cole
Site Management
Mr Phillip Amos - Site Manager
Mrs Louise Buxton - Assistant Caretaker
Clerk to the Governors / Governance Professional
Ms Emma Muddimer