Year 4
Welcome to Year 4
Our classes are 4LS taught by Mrs Lougher and Mr Sloper and 4RS taught by Mrs Spencer.
We also have Teaching Assistants who help in the classrooms.
For more information about subjects please click here. For diary dates click here.
Click here to view our Year 4 Amazon book wish list. All donations gratefully received and will help us develop a love of reading!
year 4 parent information session.pdf
Useful Year 4 information
- Y4 T1 Rainforests Knowledge Organiser
- Y4 T1 Rainforests Overview
- Y4 T2 Ancient Eygpt Overview
- Y4 T2 Knowledge Organiser Ancient Egypt
- Y4 T3 Anglo Saxons Overview
- Y4 T3 T4 Anglo Saxons Vikings Knowledge Organiser
- Y4 T4 Vikings Overview
- Y4 T5 Knowledge Organiser Mayans
- Y4 T5 Mayans Overview
- Y4 T6 Rivers Knowledge Organiser
- Y4 T6 Rivers Overview
- Year 4 Curriculum Overview
What kinds of learning do we do in Year 4?
In Year 4, we are excited to build on what we have learned in Year 3 and enjoy becoming even more independent. Our favourite topics are Anglo Saxons and Vikings, where we stage a huge re-enactment of the battle of Lunden, Rainforests, when we visit Bristol Zoo and look at ways to protect the rainforests, and Ancient Egypt, when we make prized death masks. We also learn about Rivers and the Ancient Mayan society. We become masters of computer coding, writing Scratch projects to test the Year 3's times table skills, as well as creating beautiful artistic patterns using our knowledge of shape. We lead the Christingle service in Church during December. To find out more about what Christingle is please visit the children's society webpage. In science we do topics about the human body, our digestive system, our teeth and how sound travels and is conducted by our ears and brain. We are often the times table "Rockstars" of the school, being proficient at recalling and using all of our tables by the end of the year. We continue to take part in swimming lessons at Henbury swimming pool.
Year 4