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Intent: Why teach History?

At Westbury on Trym CE Academy, our aim is to develop and enhance children’s knowledge and understanding of significant time periods, world events and people throughout history. We want to develop their sense of chronology. We aim to foster an enthusiasm in becoming ‘historical detectives’, using a range of lines of historical enquiry and looking at evidence. Being ‘historical detectives’ allows children to compare and evaluate viewpoints about historical events and opinions, enabling them allows children to form their own judgements and opinions about the past. As a result, children can begin to understand how certain historical events and people have shaped and influenced our modern world. Making links with the past will help younger generations make informed decisions for the future.

Implementation: How is History taught at Westbury on Trym CE Academy?

History is taught through year group topics and, where possible, the children are given opportunities to make cross curricular links with science, English, maths, geography and other subjects. We place great emphasis on helping children acquire knowledge through direct teaching, independent research, discussion and ‘hands-on’ experiences. Throughout the year, ‘WOW’ topic days allow the children to be immersed in learning within a rich and engaging environment. The children have many opportunities for history trips to extend their experience and expertise beyond the classroom. For each history topic, the children have a knowledge organiser, which includes key vocabulary, facts and information. Over time, these knowledge organisers will provide pupils with a sound foundation of historical facts and knowledge.








History skills progression

wot history skills and knowledge progression by year group.pdf

Curriculum overview for History

wot history curriculum overview 2019 20.pdf

Ideas for how parents can support their children's enthusiasm for history

parent ideas history.pdf