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Lockdown Sunflower Competition

Back at the very beginning of March, Miss Pugh went on a trip to B&Q and purchased 420 giant sunflower seeds, 420 ziplock bags and several hundred litres of compost.  Some fantastic volunteers from our P.T.A. took on the task of creating individual competition bags and Mrs Coleman printed some stickers to go with them.  Why? As part of our comprehensive planning for possible school closure, we wanted to think of as many interesting activities for children to do at home as possible.  As we partially closed our school and moved into our continuous learning plan, we sent pupils home with as many books and pieces of useful equipment as we could think of, including a bag of compost and a sunflower seed.  

On Thursday 9th July, Miss Pugh judged the entries, submitted from home via our learning platform Seesaw.  The montage of photos below shows some of the entries that we received.  Not all the seeds grew, some were eaten by puppies, some snapped in high winds and some mysteriously disappeared overnight.  But those that survived and grew all the way to the end of term did so because of the careful nurturing that they received.  Have a look at some of the fabulous sunflowers grown by our Westbury families.  Well done to all who look part, regardless of how high your sunflower grew. 


 The winning sunflower grew to a lofty height of 240cms!  Here it is alongside the proud gardener who grew it.  Apparently, the top secret tip to success is to protect the seedling with a loo-roll coated with sandpaper to keep the snails and slugs away.

 She receives a special certificate and Amazon voucher.