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More Places Available at WASC

Message from Westbury After School Club:


There is no school on the Friday of the last week of this term. Therefore, bookings for Term 5 will be open this Friday 15th March at 7am.


It has now been possible to increase the number of spaces at WASC  to 60 places following several meetings between the WASC Parent Volunteer Committee and staff and the Head Teacher, Amanda Pritchard. We are pleased to say that this term (Term 4) has not seen anyone waiting for a place at WASC.


Please be aware that booked places need to be paid for on the same day as making the bookings, Friday 15th March for Term 5. Unpaid bookings are not confirmed bookings and can be deleted by WASC before Term 5 starts. So please make sure your accounts are settled. 


WASC will not refund cancellations (unless taken up by someone from a waiting list), nor offer swaps. It is hoped that there will continue not to be a waiting list in Term 5. 


Thank you for your continued support.


Best wishes