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Red Squirrel Day: 9th July 2022

For our Summer Fair raffle we’d like to do rainbow hampers!! Each year group is given a colour and we’re asking families to donate items of that colour to make up a hamper… food, drink, toiletries… be as inventive as you like!

Reception : Red

Y1: Orange

Y2: Yellow

Y3: Green

Y4: Blue

Y5: Pink

Y6: Purple

There is a collection point in each classroom, please contact your year group rep if you have any questions.

Could you volunteer on the day?

Every event we rely heavily on a huge number of volunteers, we really can't do it without you! Could you man the bar for an hour? Maybe ice-cream are more your thing? Whether you're new to Westbury and want to give it a go or if you've been to every event and would like to give back this year. You can find every available slot at our sign up, so why not grab a friend and give it a try (your kids will love seeing you behind a stall - trust us!!)