Value for the term: Trust
This term we will be exploring the value of Trust from a Christian perspective as well as considering values of mutual respect and tolerance which form part of our new National Curriculum.
We will be exploring and discussing the belief that trust is the basis of all stable and enriching relationships, including a person’s relationship with God. Some of the key questions we will be thinking about are:
à What do we think trust means?
à How do we show in practical ways that we can be trustworthy to others or earn their trust?
à What kinds of things damage trust and how can we avoid those situations or learn from them?
à How can we demonstrate sensitively the repercussions or consequences when trust has been broken or damaged? What steps can we take to put that right?
à Which role models can be presented to our children (in school and at home) which shows different kinds of trust that work in our school community and in the wider world?
Key aspects
à Supporting and enabling pupils to become active participants in their family and then, progressively, other groups such as their class, the school and the wider community.
à Our provision for social development balances the positive, satisfying aspects of belonging to a group or society with the responsibilities such membership requires.
à Daily life within the Academy, but in particular the classroom, is used as a suitable environment for promoting mutual respect within a Christian context.
à At the heart of our Academy lies the necessity to develop a sense of personal identity, whilst at the same time acquiring awareness, understanding and tolerance regarding different faiths and beliefs.