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World Book Day

We had an excellent day for World Book Day beginning with a visit from the fabulous author Natasha Farrant who talked to our year 3s, 4s and 5s about how she gets inspiration for her writing. She took us through a journey about how her ideas mapped through the story. The books were signed for the children and two copies are now in the library. 

We began the next day by parading round the school as classes and it was lovely to see all the smiling faces.  All the classroom doors were decorated as book covers.

Key stage one then joined with other members of their houses for a book quiz. The children really impressed us with their knowledge. The courageous Centaurs won by one point. In the afternoon it was Key Stage 2s turn and after much excitement Phoenix proved to be the biggest bookworms. Thank you to our house captains and vice captains for supporting and cheering on their houses.

In the day KS2 were presented with a variety of books to choose from. They went back to their classes and signed up for the book they would like to listen to. They then went to different teachers to hear the book of their choice. It was lovely to see all the children from all the classes join together and the teachers loved reading their favourite books.

In Key stage one the teachers swapped classes to share a favourite book with a different class. In between the children have been taking part in other book activities.  A great day was had by all and Year 6 also had a visit to a local primary school to meet author Sue Cheung.