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Intent: Why do we teach PSHE at Westbury on Trym CE Academy?

PSHE (Personal, Social, Health Education) is central to all aspects of pupil learning at Westbury on Trym C of E Academy, both in the classroom and beyond. It is taught both as timetabled weekly lessons and across the school day, as well as through our set of school values) in every aspect of school life. At Westbury on Trym C of E Academy, we follow a scheme of work called Jigsaw which is a comprehensive and completely original program for primary schools which launched in 2013 and is updated on an annual basis.  We also implement a scheme called No Outsiders which teaches children to feel comfortable in themselves while recognising and celebrating difference and diversity in others.

In September 2020, the Health Education and Relationships Education (Primary) and the secondary Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) (Secondary) aspects of PSHE education became compulsory in all schools.

The PSHE curriculum has been adapted to meet individual pupil needs. It takes a spiral approach, revisiting topics at a deeper level in each year group, whilst rehearsing, emphasising and embedding the essential skills and attributes young people need to manage their lives, both now and in the future.

Implementation: How we teach PSHE at Westbury on Trym CE Academy

Through the PSHE curriculum, we aim to:

  • develop pupils’ understanding of the world and of personal, social, health, emotional and citizenship concepts and relevant vocabulary
  • provide pupils with a relevant, age appropriate and progressive curriculum
  • understand issues relating to their own health, personal care, sexual development and relationships
  • create a positive  culture throughout our school family where all groups of people are welcome
  • enable pupils to make choices
  • provide pupils with strategies to maintain personal wellbeing, promote resilience and equip pupils with skills to keep themselves and others safe
  • promote equality of opportunity and prevent discrimination within our school family
  • enable learners to form appropriate relationships and give them a sense of dignity and respect for each other
  • develop personal responsibility, self-confidence and assertiveness
  • empower learners so they have more control over their own life
  • enhance their self-esteem and to help prepare children to leave primary school happy and excited about living in a community full of difference and diversity

Please click here to read our Parent Information guide about Jigsaw

Please click here to see an overview of the Jigsaw program

Here at Westbury, there are no outsiders: everyone is different and everyone is welcome.  Click here for further information about the No Outsiders initiative.  Here you'll also find a useful guide for parents and carers to explain more.

Relationships and Sex Education (RSE) Coverage - KS1 & KS2








Friends; Gender stereotypes; Choices

Year 1:

Bodies; Respecting my body; Growing up; Growth and change; Fun and fears; Celebrations

Year 2:

Life cycles - animal and human; Changes in me; Changes since being a baby; Differences between female and male bodies (correct terminology); Linking growing and learning; Coping with change; Transition


Year 3:

Life cycles in nature; Growing from young to old; Increasing independence; Differences in female and male bodies (correct terminology); Assertiveness; Preparing for transition

Year 4:

How babies grow; Understanding a baby's needs; Outside body changes; Inside body changes; Family stereotypes; Challenging my ideas; Preparing for transition

Year 5:

Self and body image; Influence of online and media on body image; Puberty for girls; Puberty for boys; Conception (including IVF); Growing responsibility; Coping with change; Preparing for transition

Year 6:

Self-image; Body image; Puberty and feelings; Conception to birth; Reflections about change; Physical attraction; Respect and consent; Boyfriends and girlfriends; Sexting; Transition




NSPCC - Speak Out.  Stay Safe.

website info nspcc.pdf

speak out stay safe participation certificate westbury on trym.pdf

Anti-bullying week

Anti-Bullying Week – ‘Choose Respect’

November 2024

Anti-Bullying Week 2024 took place in November, with the theme: Choose Respect.

The theme aims to empower children to do something positive to counter the harm and hurt that bullying causes.

Odd Socks Day also took place in November, with adults and children wearing odd socks to celebrate what makes us all unique.  See below for our school pledges.

2024 25 class pledges definitions.pdf

Please read our guide to: Relationships and Sex Education Information For Parents

To access a presentation about our RSE curriculum, click here

Grid to show the curriculum coverage for Science related to RSE (statutory), Sex Education (non-statutory) and Health Education (statutory) for Years 1 - 6

Please read our guide to: Promoting Healthy Positive Relationships

Please read the Parent Protect Guide to Sexual Development in children aged 5-11