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Breakfast Club

The BreakFast Club (BFC) 

The BFC runs from the dining hall in Westbury on Trym CofE Academy.

Children can be dropped off from 7.45am and left with the Play workers until school starts. Reception children are escorted to their classrooms.

A selection of breakfast foods are served by the play workers.

A variety of games and activities are available at the tables in the dining area. When the large hall is available, more active games are played there with one of the BFC play workers supervising.

BFC is voluntarily registered with Ofsted. Ofsted Registration number: EY404794

Hours: 7.45am until the start of the school day

Cost: £7.00 per session, which includes breakfast plus £10 Registration fee for the year

To register for BFC

To register for the BreakFast Club please send an email to with your child’s name and date of birth.

An online booking system called ‘Libacura’ is currently used by the BFC. Parents are sent a welcome message once registered and are asked to create their own password. Parents can then manage their own bookings and make payments directly into the BFC bank account.

 Breakfast Club **Update**

From Term 5 2023 our Breakfast Club provision will be moving to Shine

Provision will run from 07.45 - 08.45am and you will be able to book using the booking system.