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Covid-19 over Christmas

IMPORTANT - Advice for Parents/Carers on what to do if your child develops Covid-19 symptoms and/or has a positive test result in the school holiday


As we move closer to the Christmas holidays, this will be another school break where we may have to be in contact, if a member of our school community tests positive for Covid-19.  Outlined below is some key information in our approach.

How can parents/carers support school in avoiding delays in testing as we approach Christmas?

From this point on, if symptoms develop, we urge families to utilise in-person tests wherever possible to help avoid delays in results coming back, which can be the case with postal tests.  This will ensure we can respond appropriately and in a timely fashion to support contact tracing ahead of the Christmas period.  

Contact details of parents/carers

Please ensure your contact details are up to date prior to the end of term so that you can be contactable should we need to self-isolate a bubble.  This may be necessary during the first week of the holidays. 

How should parents/carers communicate with school?

Communication should be via the email account ONLY - please do NOT leave a message on the school answer machine/Seesaw message as they will not be monitored. The info inbox will be checked every morning by 10am.

1) If your child develops symptoms before Monday 21st December please inform the school via the email account ONLY. Please provide the following key information:

Parent/Carer name:

Name of child with symptoms:

Child’s class name:

Child’s date of birth:


Date symptoms started:

Last day in school:

Parent/carer contact number:

**A test should be booked immediately, ideally in person, to ensure a timely response**

2) If you have a test result for your child, please inform the school via the email account ONLY. Please provide the following key information:

Parent/Carer name:

Name of child who took the test:

Child’s class name:

Child’s date of birth:

Date of test result:

Test result outcome:

Last day in school:

End of isolation date as advised:

Parent/carer contact number:

How will school communicate with us?

If your child is identified as a close contact of a positive case (same bubble), we will communicate via a family announcement in Seesaw and an alert via text in School Comms.

If you report symptoms/a positive test result we may follow up with a phone call.

How long is the period of self-isolation?

From Monday 14th December 2020, this has been reduced from 14 days to 10 days. This means children can return to ‘normal activities’ from day 11 providing they are well and symptom free.  This is the period required unless informed otherwise by NHS Test and Trace.

Guidance for the holidays

The Government have announced that there will be a period between the 23rd and 27th of December in which 3 households can meet up. The guidance on what this means can be found here

We know that the easiest way for COVID to spread is when people meet up indoors and encourage you to consider the risk, particularly to older or vulnerable members of your family at this time. Increasing ventilation, keeping physical distance, hand hygiene, keeping to your 3 household bubble and importantly if you are unwell not meeting with others may help reduce this risk.   

Unfortunately due to the relaxation of restrictions we expect to see an increase in COVID infections in Bristol after Christmas and together we want to look at how to safely return to school in January.

We have created a useful ‘Parent Holiday Information Sheet’ – this has advice for during and after the holidays and what to do if your child becomes unwell.

The table below will help you see when your child can return to school and whether you need to inform school if your child has Covid symptoms/tests positive. Critical dates are highlighted.

Child’s Symptoms started

Self-isolation period

Child is a close contact of another case over the holidays when can they come back to school?

Does the parent need to inform school and when

Thursday 17th

child must SELF-ISOLATE until 28th Dec

When school reopens in January

Yes, twice – 1) as soon as booking a test and 2) as test result is known

Friday 18th

child must SELF-ISOLATE until 29th Dec

When school reopens in January

Yes, twice – 1) as soon as booking a test and 2) as test result is known

Saturday 19th

child must SELF-ISOLATE until 30th Dec

When school reopens in January

Yes, twice – 1) as soon as booking a test and 2) as test result is known

Sunday 20th

child must SELF-ISOLATE until 31st Dec

When school reopens in January

Yes, twice – 1) as soon as booking a test and 2) as test result is known

Monday 21st

child must SELF-ISOLATE until 1st Jan

When school reopens in January


Tuesday 22nd

child must SELF-ISOLATE and not return to school until school reopens in January

When school reopens in January


Wednesday 23rd

child must SELF-ISOLATE and not return to school until school reopens in January

When school reopens in January


Thursday 24th

child must SELF-ISOLATE and not return to school until school reopens in January

When school reopens in January


Friday 25th

child must SELF-ISOLATE and not return to school until 5th Jan

child must SELF-ISOLATE and not return to school until 5th Jan

Yes at the beginning of January term

Saturday 26th

 child must SELF-ISOLATE and not return to school until 6th Jan

child must SELF-ISOLATE and not return to school until 6th Jan

Yes at the beginning of January term

Sunday 27th

child must SELF-ISOLATE and not return to school until 7th Jan

child must SELF-ISOLATE and not return to school until 7th Jan

Yes at the beginning of January term

Monday 28th

child must SELF-ISOLATE and not return to school until 8th Jan

child must SELF-ISOLATE and not return to school until 8th Jan

Yes at the beginning of January term

Tuesday 29th

child must SELF-ISOLATE and not return to school until 9th Jan

child must SELF-ISOLATE and not return to school until 9th Jan

Yes at the beginning of January term

Wednesday 30th

child must SELF-ISOLATE and not return to school until 10th Jan

child must SELF-ISOLATE and not return to school until 10th Jan

Yes at the beginning of January term

Thursday 31st

child must SELF-ISOLATE and not return to school until 11th Jan

child must SELF-ISOLATE and not return to school until 11th Jan

Yes at the beginning of January term

Friday 1st

child must SELF-ISOLATE and not return to school until 12th Jan

child must SELF-ISOLATE and not return to school until 12th Jan

Yes at the beginning of January term

Saturday 2nd

child must SELF-ISOLATE and not return to school until 13th Jan

child must SELF-ISOLATE and not return to school until 13th Jan

Yes at the beginning of January term

Sunday 3rd

child must SELF-ISOLATE and not return to school until 14th Jan

child must SELF-ISOLATE and not return to school until 14th Jan

Yes at the beginning of January term

Monday 4th

child must SELF-ISOLATE and not return to school until 15th Jan

child must SELF-ISOLATE and not return to school until 15th Jan

Yes at the beginning of January term

Tuesday 5th

child must SELF-ISOLATE and not return to school until 16th Jan

child must SELF-ISOLATE and not return to school until 16th Jan

Yes at the beginning of January term

As was the case during half term, there will be some anxiety around whether positive cases in the school may affect Christmas plans and, sadly, this is a possibility.  It remains our responsibility to ensure we all play our part in ensuring that the spread of the virus is minimised through prompt action and continued partnership.

If you do have any more questions, please feel free to contact the School Office before the end of term, so that I can ensure that you all have the information you need before we break up.