Useful Links

Useful Links

 Extra Curricular Clubs

We have three types of extra curricular clubs here at Westbury. These are:

  • Clubs that are free and are run by school and are booked via School Comms (School Gateway app)
  • Clubs that carry a fee and are run by external club leaders and are booked directly with the club leaders themselves such as art, ukulele etc.
  • Clubs that carry a fee and are run and organised by Shine

We encourage families to download the School Gateway app, which makes club bookings easier.  Details of how to do this can be found below.

For any club based queries, please email the school office on 

 School Comms

School-run club bookings take place through School Comms. We ask that parents download the School Gateway app.

Please Click Here to register, ensuring you use the email address that is registered as priority one at school otherwise it will not recognise your email. If you are not sure of which email you have registered please contact

Click Here to read about how to use the app.

This app also receives any texts sent from school and costs the school less money than it going straight to your text message box.

The app is downloadable on Android and Apple.  Please click the relevant link below.

Apple     Android 

Club information