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School Meals

Universal Infant Free School Meals (UIFSM)

Our school dinners are cooked on site and provided for us by Alliance in Partnership (AIP).

Children may purchase a hot school meal. Supervised facilities are provided for children to eat either a hot school meal, a lovely selection of food from the salad bar or a packed lunch from home. A doctor’s letter is required for any child with special dietary requirements or food allergies. Please send packed lunches in a rigid container (no plastic bags) very clearly marked with the child’s name so that it can be recognised easily. Please provide spoons for yoghurts. The lunchbox will be stored safely until needed.  Due to nut allergies of several of our pupils currently, we ask ALL parents and carers to ensure that snacks and lunches do not contain any nuts or nut products.


We encourage the children to bring named water bottles to school and to fill up regularly from the water fountains. However, if you wish to provide your own drink please do not send cans of fizzy drink in any container or anything in Thermos flasks or glass bottles. This is for safety reasons. Please ensure that a cup or straw accompanies all drinks. Similarly, hot drinks or hot soup are not suitable for young children to handle. Cold water is always available.

Universal Infant Free School Meals (UIFSM)

The Government fund school meals for all children in KS1, including reception, year 1 and year 2.  If your child currently has a home dinner or packed lunch please let the office know if you would like to change.

Free School Meals (FSM)

The government now gives school a significant amount of extra money for each pupil who is eligible for FSM.

Your child is entitled to receive free school meals each day if you are in receipt of one of the following:

  • Income Support
  • Income-based Job Seekers Allowance
  • Child tax credit, but not entitled to working tax credit and annual income does not exceed £16,190
  • Support under part VI of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999
  • The ‘guaranteed element’ of Pension Credit
  • Income related Employment and Support Allowance
  • Working Tax Credit run-on
  • Universal Credit (with income less than £7,400/year)

free school meal entitlement fs v2.pdf

We would strongly encourage you to apply for this. If your child does not want to eat a school dinner, then that is not a problem, but there are other ways in which we can support you and your child, if your child is eligible for FSM. Please contact Mrs Power in the school office for more details or to discuss this further. 

Please click here to read all about the food that AiP providen Menu


Spring/Summer Term 2024 Menu

term 6 lunch menu.pdf

IMPORTANT UPDATE regarding special diets menus - 15th October 2024

Menu Information:

Alliance in Partnership is at the forefront of promoting a healthy lifestyle. We believe that nutritious, healthy meals designed by students and teachers, with help from our staff of experts, enhance the curriculum and help children learn. Your menu offers a choice of fresh, healthy cooked food which meets the Government food based standards and has been nutritionally analysed to create balanced, healthy meals. Your menus retain the Bronze Food for Life Catering Mark and are freshly prepared using the finest, fresh and local ingredients. Here are the ways in which we bring your menu to life.

  • Our menu is over 80% freshly prepared daily
  • All meat is British Red Tractor certified and supplied by local butcher, John Sheppard
  • All Beef Mince is certified Organic
  • All Pork is Free Range
  • All halal meat is pre-stunned
  • All fish is MSC certified

In accordance with the Gold Food for Life Standard, we spend 15% of our food budget on organics. The following items are always organic:

  • Beef Mince
  • Eggs
  • Yoghurt

Fresh Fruit and Yoghurt are served daily alongside our prepared desserts.  Cheese and Crackers are also served twice a week

  • We make a daily prepared dessert fresh each day. Each one contains fruit or vegetables. This lessens the need for excess added sugar in our baking.
  • All baked desserts contain fruit as well as a whole grain, such as wholemeal flour or oats.

We turn popular food into healthier options for children:

  • Our Pizzas are made on wholemeal bases with our own homemade tomato sauce. We add vegetables and sometimes lentils to these sauces to add even more beneficial nutrients.
  • We don’t have any fryers in our kitchens. All wedges, chips, and fish are oven baked.
  • Fresh bread is served daily containing wholemeal flour and different herbs and spices.

We reduce salt and sugar in all our meals. We never salt any food after it has finished cooking

  • Our Asian and Mexican Sauces are made by our cooks so that they can reduce the salt and sugar content.
  • We offer Meat Free Mondays to encourage children to try new things.

Our menus provide vegan options over vegetarian options wherever possible. For Instance, we use Vegan Soy sausages as our option instead of Quorn

  • Fresh hot vegetables are offered every day. Peas and sweetcorn are the only frozen vegetables that are offered throughout the cycle.

The salad bar always contains core vegetables such as cucumbers, tomatoes, lettuce, and sweetcorn. We also add in other vegetables such as carrots, beetroot, or celery to keep it fresh and different. We also offer one to two formed salads, such as coleslaw, cous cous, or pasta salad each day


We can cater for children with allergies and will provide special menus suitable for each child.  Please ensure an allergy form is completed and shared with the school who will ensure the kitchen and AIP are aware of dietary requirements.  If these change, a new form will need to be completed.  AIP have put together an FAQ document to help answer any questions you may have.