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Our world is so beautifully diverse, with over 4,000 religions, faiths groups, and worldviews existing around the globe.

Intent: Why do we teach Religion and Worldviews?

Religion and Worldviews promotes respect and understanding within our diverse world, but at Westbury, we know that it can mean much more. We aim to enrich children with an education that allows them to observe and appreciate the beauty and significance of faith, in their own lives and the lives of those around them. We are aware that Religion and Worldviews can often bring up some of life’s ‘big questions’, so, we create a safe space where children can deeply reflect on their own ideas and voice challenging, insightful questions about the world they live in. As a C of E Academy, we not only deepen children’s understanding of Christianity, but of Judaism, Hinduism, Islam, Sikhism and Humanism. Children here develop a deep-rooted respect for beliefs and cultures that differ from their own. We explore different faiths through visitors, excursions, using artefacts and sharing in the experiences of our own pupils.

Amongst many things, Religion and Worldviews helps our children:

  • develop self-confidence and awareness of the world
  • develop positive attitudes towards others
  • reflect on and consider their own values
  • experience other faiths and celebrations
  • deal with issues that form the basis for personal choices
  • bring their own experiences and understanding of life into the classroom

Implementation: How is Religion and Worldviews taught?

At Westbury, we follow two schemes; Awareness Mystery Value (AMV) and Understanding Christianity. As a C of E Academy, we teach 60% Understanding Christianity, which delves deeper into the Christian faith, and 40% AMV, exploring other worldly faiths and beliefs. Religion and Worldviews lessons are taught discreetly for 1 hour each week, however, we always encourage cross-curricular link with other areas of the curriculum whenever possible. We explore different faiths through visitors, excursions, using artefacts and sharing in the experiences of our own pupils.     

We are extremely passionate about providing children with real-life experiences through Religion and Worldviews.  We continue to build strong links with places of worship in our local community, as well as in the wider world.

See below for some of our amazing work…

Religion and Worldviews Gallery

 Click the buttons below for further information: 

RE Curriculum Progression by Year Group

Values for Life