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Special Educational Needs and Disability 

Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND)

We make every effort to be a fully inclusive school. We welcome all children into our school community and aim to support every child to reach his/her full potential, both academically and socially. Some facilities are available to enable access to school for children with a disability. We recognise that some children have special talents which need nurturing and that some may need additional support occasionally, or even continuously, in order to help them make progress. All teachers differentiate classroom work to meet the needs and abilities of individual children within their class. If a child requires additional support or programmes to aid his/her learning or physical needs, they will, after close consultation with parents, be placed on the school’s Special Educational Needs Register in accordance with the code of practice to which all schools currently adhere. This allows school to work in close partnership with a wide range of services, including health and social care, as well as outside educational professionals, to devise programmes and support to enable children to gain the support they need and make academic progress.

We firmly believe that the child, parents, school and any agencies should work closely together in order to provide the support needed so that every child reaches his/her full potential whilst at our Academy.

Please Click Here to download the Graduated Response

Please Click Here to read our SEND parent information leaflet

Please Click Here to read our SEND Policy

Please Click Here to read our SEND report

Please Click Here to read Bristol's SEND Local Offer


If you have any concerns regarding your child then please in the first instance raise this with your class teacher.

Our SENDCo is Mrs B Forrester and our SEND Governor is Mrs Verity Thomas
