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  • Tuesday 23 July 2024 Year 5 Avon Gorge & Downs Wildlife Project On Thursday, The Year 5 team enjoyed a field trip to The Downs where they took part in several workshops on how specific mammals adapted to living on The Downs and the impacts of environmental change. They also looked at the importance of trees to humans and animals and how to identify different species. The children were fantastic and fully embraced their Term 6 topic of 'My Place/Your Place'.
  • Tuesday 23 July 2024 RSPB Visit All year groups took part in a fantastic workshop run by the RSPB volunteers all about our Tree-mendous trees. We learned about some of the amazing trees we have in our school grounds and how they are vital habitats for many different creatures. We learned about the different ways that trees disperse their seeds so that new trees can grow. We counted tree rings to see how old they were and also took some bark rubbings of our favourite trees.
  • Friday 7 June 2024 Sports Days KS1 and KS2 Sports Days were fantastic filled with lots of energy, enthusiasm, and great sportsmanship.
  • Friday 7 June 2024 Dance Well done to our amazing Year 5/6 Dance team who performed at the Bath Forum last week. A huge thank you to Mrs Davies and Miss Farndon for choreographing the dance and taking the team to the competition. If you wish to read how they got on, please click here to check out Anais and Maya's superb match report. Have a sneak peek at them practicing their routine on our Instagram account.
  • Friday 7 June 2024 Swimming Gala We took 2 teams to compete in the Penguins Inter-schools swimming finals at Easton Leisure Centre.
  • Friday 7 June 2024 Year 2 WOW Day Year Two spent the day having and interactive learning experience about the Great Fire of London. Take a look at our Instagram account to see what they got up to on the day.
  • Friday 7 June 2024 Easter Festival What a wonderfully joyful morning we've experienced last Friday as we celebrated the gifts, talents and creativity of our children in our second Easter Festival. We're excited for it to become a regular highlight on our school calendar. Our judges faced a challenging task in selecting winners for the decorated egg competition. The entries were truly beautiful, showcasing the tremendous effort put in by children throughout the school. The Easter bonnet parade was a resounding success, with an array of fantastic creations on display. All participants in the Instrumental, Spoken Word, Singing, and Dancing categories showed immense bravery in showcasing their talents. They should all take immense pride in themselves, and we share in that pride! Pictured is a winning entry by Seren G in 5CB. Click here to take a look at our Instagram account for an insight to the day.
  • Wednesday 17 April 2024 STEM Week 2024 We had a wonderful week learning all about Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths. In the NW24 Marble Run Competition, the children worked collaboratively to create some wonderful marble run designs - well done to Ozan, Arlo and Abigal (KS1) and Annayah, Elise and Lara (KS2) who will represent our school at the Grand Finals next week. Also, a big well done to all those children who created devices to tell the time. We were suitably impressed with your creativity and engineering skills. Please Click here to take a look at the designs Finally, a BIG thank you to the wonderful organisations that came in to our school to make the week so memorable and to inspire the next generation of STEM professionals: UWE (Minecraft), Explorer Dome (Space) and Re-Fuse (electrical waste recycling), Lloyds Bank, Hour of Code and of course the wonderful STEM parents/carers who contributed towards our Scientist Just Like Me project.
  • Wednesday 17 April 2024 World Book Day 2024 The atmosphere in school on World Book Day was electric! The enthusiasm among children and staff alike for their favourite books and characters was fantastic and a joy to see. For those of you able to join us for the parade in the morning I’m sure you would agree.
  • Wednesday 17 April 2024 Tudor Experience Year 5 Tudor Wow Day with @primary_history_workshops was absolutely fantastic. To have a look at their day, take a look at our Instagram account.
  • Wednesday 17 April 2024 WOW Day Our WOW day was an introduction to our 'Paws, Claws and Whiskers' topic. The children dressed up as their favourite animal. We had a lovely day creating new animals, making pom-pom animals and searching for signs of animals around the playground such as feathers, mini beasts and spider webs.
  • Tuesday 6 February 2024 Year 4 Trip to Westbury Wildlife Park Year 4 braved the cold weather last week to visit Westbury Wildlife Park as their current topic is Rainforests. There they learnt about temperate forests and studied a variety of tree species.
  • Wednesday 24 January 2024 Year 6 London Trip On Thursday 11th January, the children from 6SH and 6JY went on a trip to London for their topic. Click through to read a report by Daniel and Alastair.
  • Monday 22 January 2024 Year 5/6 Basketball Competition Congratulations to our Year 5/6 Basketball team who competed in their first basketball competition at St Bede's this week. The children played superbly and showed great skill. Also a huge congratulations to Dexter for winning two free tickets to watch Bristol City FC who went above and beyond when playing for the school.
  • Thursday 14 December 2023 Carol Service Thank you to our Year 6 class families who led the Carol Service so well yesterday evening. It was so lovely to see such a full church with school families and friends. A beautiful evening was had by all. Click here to have a look at our Instagram reel.
  • Thursday 14 December 2023 Fossil hunting Last week Year 3 went to Aust Beach fossil hunting with workshop lead Ed Drewitt. We found loads of fossils including 'bone rock' made from tiny fish teeth, bone, scales and even animal poo!
  • Wednesday 15 November 2023 NW24 Microbit Day On Tuesday 14th November we hosted a select group of pupils from 6 lucky local schools as part of the NW24 Partnership who came to learn all about Microbits with our computing lead Miss Pugh. Children learned how to program Microbits through six different projects creating nightlights, pedometers and even a fortune telling magic eight ball! They have now been challenged by Miss Pugh to share their expertise with the Year 5/6 pupils at their own schools.
  • Wednesday 15 November 2023 Year 3 Volcanoes Year 3 created some fantastic volcanoes during half term with their parents/carers... We erupted them outside this week. There are some really impressive ones!
  • Thursday 2 November 2023 Year 6 Camp The Year 6 children had a wonderful time on camp at the end of last term. From kayaking to blind trails and zip wiring to fencing, it is fair to say there was a huge range of exciting activities. It was great to see so many children embracing these challenges with such determination and perseverance. Well done to everyone!
  • Thursday 19 October 2023 SHINE Super League Congratulations to our Year 5/6 Netball team who competed in their first round of the SHINE Super League this week. The girls were fantastic and represented the school incredibly well. Thank you Mrs. Yates for your coaching!
  • Thursday 19 October 2023 Westbury on Trym Orchestra Our school orchestra enjoyed a trip to Badminton School with Bristol Beacon for a chance to join many other schools in an orchestra afternoon. Take a look at our Instagram page to see more.
  • Thursday 12 October 2023 Meet the new Geog Blog Team! Geog Blog Term 1
  • Monday 9 October 2023 Year 3 WOW Day Here are some pictures from our Italian WOW day. The children loved it and said,
  • Monday 9 October 2023 Shine League On Monday, 25th September 2023, our Year 5/6 footballers played their first round of football fixtures in the Championship SHINE league. Please click on the link to read Jackie's match report.
  • Monday 9 October 2023 Maths Competition This week, six children from Year 6 took part in a maths competition at Redmaids School.
  • Monday 9 October 2023 Alice in Wonderland Production The whole school enjoyed a fabulous production of Alice in Wonderland on Tuesday morning. Everyone was absolutely captivated children and staff alike! One said on the way out, ‘That was the best!’ Year 6 also had a follow up workshop where they did some acting and learnt more about theatre sets and sound! They loved it!
  • Monday 9 October 2023 Year 2 Trip to Berkeley Castle On Monday Year 2 invaded Berkley. Undeterred by the rainy conditions, we danced in the great hall, climbed the towers, delved into the dungeon and hunted for kings and queens. We impressed the staff with our knowledge of battlements, moats, drawbridges and arrow slits. Thanks to all the parents who accompanied us. We all had a great day.
  • Monday 4 September 2023 Reception 2024 Tour Dates Tour dates for Reception intake 2024 are as follows:
  • Thursday 22 June 2023 Big Toddle 2023 A huge thanks to all the families who attended our Big Toddle event this year, to our Reception children for accompanying all the visitors, to our catering team for the delicious flapjacks and to our Marketing Squad for arranging and promoting the event.
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